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Message to Annelisa Smith

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Annelisa Smith - LGBTQ lawyer in Portland OR

Annelisa Smith

McKean Smith
(503) 567-7967
(503) 567-7967

About Annelisa Smith

From her early days as a public defender representing parents and children in child abuse and neglect cases, Annelisa Smith established herself as an aggressive, passionate advocate for her clients. A co-owner and partner at McKean Smith, Annelisa transitioned to a focus on litigating complex family law and divorce cases in 2011.

All McKean Smith Attorneys are assisted by in-house Spanish speaking translators.

Social Media

Facebook page for Annelisa Smith - LGBTQ attorney in Portland Twitter page for Annelisa Smith - LGBTQ attorney in Portland Twitter page for Annelisa Smith - LGBTQ attorney in Portland LinkedIn page for Annelisa Smith - LGBTQ attorney in Portland
Message Annelisa Smith
(503) 567-7967