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Message to Chantale Suttle

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Chantale Suttle - LGBTQ lawyer in Celebration FL

Chantale Suttle

Just Prenups
(800) 959-1614
(800) 959-1614

Practice Areas

About Chantale Suttle

Chantale Suttle is an attorney and mediator licensed in Florida. She founded JustPrenups after more than two decades as an attorney in the South Florida family law system. She has protected people from all walks and stages of life, blue collar, white collar, self-made, and scions of wealthy families. She believes that universally, marriages are strengthened by prenuptial and postnuptial agreements because they facilitate the openness, transparency, care, and communication that lead to and preserve successful marriages. Whether she is advocating for one side, or mediating an agreement for a couple jointly, Chantale brings to bear her rare combination of family law experience as a child support prosecutor, private practice divorce attorney, family law mediator and family law magistrate. She has served two terms on the Grievance Committee of the Florida Bar, served for two terms as treasurer of Florida Association of Women Lawyers, chaired several sub committees of the Florida Bar Family Law Section. She has been married for twenty years and has two children.


Florida, United States Licensed for 27 Years 5 Months Apr 1997 27 Years 5 Months Apr 1997


Skill: Conversational Lawyer
Skill: Conversational Lawyer


University of Miami School of Law Juris Doctor Law 1996
Florida State University Bachelors Political Communication 1993


Florida Bar - Family Law Section Member 2000
Florida Lawyers Network Member 2000


Primary Office Location

pin 1420 Celebration Blvd, Suite 200 Celebration FL 34747

pin (800) 959-1614


Social Media

Facebook page for Chantale Suttle - LGBTQ attorney in Celebration LinkedIn page for Chantale Suttle - LGBTQ attorney in Celebration Twitter page for Chantale Suttle - LGBTQ attorney in Celebration
Message Chantale Suttle
(800) 959-1614